Valentine atau apalah...

05 February 2009's so weird when I look almost everybody prepare something special for their couple as Valentine's gift. A question runs around my mind, "Why does Valentine's day become so special?". For me, giving my "lover" a special thing must be done in every special momment, let's say everyday..not only in occasional season like Valentine's day...

Argh...Stop that kind of thought...first that I have to do now is finding the one who can be my "lover"..hehehe...

Is that her? oh my heavenly God, please make me sure that she is the one You've sent...

2 orang memberi komentar:

Anonymous said...

met 'early' valentine bro.. salam buat kedua kekasihmu itu ya :D

oh iya.. blogroll nya ud tuh.. coba cek :D hehe

Wijoyo Simanjuntak said...

@Ecko Manalu:
tinggal beberapa hari lg neh...thx yo...

ga jelas abg niy..."kedua" naon? hehehe