when a girl is quiet,
Millions of things are running through her mind.
when a girl is not arguing,
She is thinking deeply.
when a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
She is wondering how long you will be around.
when a girl answers, "I'm fine" after a few seconds,
She is not at all fine.
when a girl stares at you,
She is wondering why you are so wonderful.
when a girl lays on your chest,
She is wishing for you to be hers forever.
when a girl calls you everyday,
She is seeking for your attention.
when a girl wants to see you everyday,
She wants to be pampered.
when a girl says, "I'll be for you forever"
She means it.
when a girl says that she can't live without you,
She has made up her mind that u are her future.
when a girl says, "I miss you"
No one in this world can miss you more than that.
Girl facts
22 December 2008
Ditulis oleh Wijoyo Simanjuntak pukul 00:01 8 orang memberi komentar
Label: psikologi
Mawarmu dan Kupu-kupuku
20 December 2008

Mimpi dan masa depan
tentang sayap kupu-kupu
menuju rumah cinta
yang mesti lewat di atas mawar
dan bangunan di sudut parasmu
terus menduga
Adakah sekutu yang menuntunku ?
lalu tanpa meranting
menyapa suir-suir halimun
seperti bayang-bayang
memanggil ruh dalam dekapan
inilah tubuhku
semaput menguliti percakapan
tentang nama samaran
di antara bendera beliamu
perempuan dan gaun kepadaku
kemana saja
hidup kita membaringkan
kuluman senyum
Mengingatkan pada kuncup pagi
kadang-kadang melukis
warna-warni birahi
yang gugur
sebelum melubangi kerinduan
di misteri mawar-mawar
Maka penyair tak lain
hanya kesempatan membuat
dan mimpi masa depan
melempar sejarah kita
menerbangkan kupu-kupu
dari parasmu
Ditulis oleh Wijoyo Simanjuntak pukul 14:31 6 orang memberi komentar
Label: puisi
Kisah Artis Naik Pesawat
14 December 2008
Sebuah pesawat udara , yang di penuhi artis artis indonesia, sedang terbang, untuk tour musik bersama. Tiba tiba, mesin pesawat rusak satu . "Pesawat kehilangan tenaga, kita bisa jatuh, cepat semua barang bawaan harap di buang keluar" perintah Pilot .
Setelah barang bawaan di buang pesawat bisa terbang lagi walau dengan tiga mesin. Tapi sialnya tak lama mesin mati lagi. Kembali pesawat kehilangan tenaga . "beban mesti di kurangi, harus ada yang rela berkorban" kata pilot.
Tak lama kemudian Titik Puspa dan Bob Tutupoli berdiri, "kita yang paling senior, kita lakukan demi generasi muda". Lalu dia melompat keluar "Aaaaaa.......!!!!"
Tapi pesawat masih tetap kekurangan tenaga, karena beban berat. Sang pilot meminta supaya beban
kembali dikurangi... Lalu penyanyi, Ello, dengan gagah berdiri dan berkata "pergi untuk kembali", lalu dia juga melompat keluar "Aaaaaaaaa......!!!!!" tapi, pesawat tetap keberatan. "masih ada satu orang harus berkorban" kata pilot
Penumpang lain pun tampak pucat, ketakutan. Lalu Rhoma Irama berdiri, semua mata menatapnya..dengan penuh takjub "Demi moral bangsa" katanya. Lalu dia mendorong Inul, Trio Macan, dan Dewi persik keluar pesawat "....Aaaaaaa.........!!!!"
Ditulis oleh Wijoyo Simanjuntak pukul 00:41 7 orang memberi komentar
Label: humor
[INFO] Natal Alumni SMAN1 Medan di Bandung, 19 Desember 2008
08 December 2008
Kita mau ngadain Natal Alumni SMAN1 Medan di Bandung ni.
tanggal:jumat,19 desember 2008
Tempat: GBKP jalan lombok,bandung.
Diharapkan kedatangannya supaya perayaan natal kita sukses.terbuka untuk alumni se-indonesia,ga hanya yg di bandung aja. Kapan lagi kita bisa ngumpul sama-sama merayakan natal bersama?
Oya, dana kita masih kurang. Jadi diharapkan bantuannya baik berupa moral maupun materi. Kita juga ada jual kalender ni nanti jadi bantu-bantu beli ya... Nanti kita ada konsumsi juga soalnya...
So, be there!!
Harap announcement ini diforward kpada ssama alumni yg berkepentingan. Supaya makin banyak yang tahu.database kita terbatas.tolong bantuannya ya.forward ya...
Bagi yang ingin memberi bantuan,apapun bentuknya dan butuh info lebih lanjut,bisa menghubungi:
Deasy Walda (085276992289)
Martha (085276470080)
God Bless.
Ditulis oleh Wijoyo Simanjuntak pukul 21:18 0 orang memberi komentar
Geminids meteor shower 2008
06 December 2008
A meteor shower (shooting stars or falling stars) is an increase in the number of meteors at a particular time of year. When a meteor appears, it seems to "shoot" quickly across the sky, and its small size and intense brightness might make you think it is a star. If you're lucky enough to spot a meteorite (a meteor that makes it all the way to the ground), and see where it hits, it's easy to think you just saw a star "fall."
Meteor showers are named by the constellation from which meteors appear to fall, a spot in the sky astronomers call the radiant. For instance, the next meteor shower is the Geminids in the evening of December 13, 2008. This meteor shower gets the name "Geminids" because it appears to radiate from the constellation Gemini.
The Geminids are not ordinary meteors. While most meteor showers come from comets, Geminids come from an asteroid—a near-Earth object named 3200 Phaethon. Some opinions told that 3200 Phaethon used to be a comet, but I'm not sure at all, because I have never observated this object actually.
Well, an observer in the Northern Hemisphere can start seeing Geminid meteors as early as December 6, when one meteor every hour or so could be visible. During the next week, rates increase until a peak of 50-80 meteors per hour is attained on the night of December 13. The last Geminids are seen on December 18, when an observer might see a rate of one every hour or so. For observers in the Southern Hemisphere, the Geminid radiant never climbs far above the horizon, and this considerably reduces the number of Geminid meteors you are likely to see.
Geminids meteors can be seen anytime after 10 p.m. local time, when the constellation Gemini is well above the horizon, but the best time to look is during the early morning hours between about 2 a.m. and dawn. That's when the local sky is pointing directly into the Geminid meteor stream.
Gemini rises about 08:00 p.m. local time at mid-latitudes in the Northern hemisphere. The radiant of the Geminid shower is located near Castor, one of the two bright stars in Gemini (the other bright star is Pollux). To find the constellation at 2:00 a.m., go outside and face south. Castor and Pollux will appear approximately 45 degrees above the horizon. Earlier in the evening, from 10:00 p.m. until midnight, Gemini will be about 30 degrees above the horizon in the southeast.
So, why don't us try to see this meteor shower next week together?
Ditulis oleh Wijoyo Simanjuntak pukul 22:47 4 orang memberi komentar
Innalilahi wainalilahi roji'un
03 December 2008
Today is one of my worst day because my beloved laptop which has been available for me since 4 years ago has blown up, yeah exactly at 11.20 AM. There are so many good things that I've done with it all over these past few years. And I'll always remember it, forever and ever, the one which accompany me to do some excercises, works, make and play films, play games, or just play some music when I was bored. Even, you have accompanied me travelling to other parts of the world.
It was a korean-made laptop, Averatec branded, with some korean letters on the keyboard. It has helped me to study koreanish. It was installed with two operating systems, Windows XP Proffesional and Ubuntu Herdy Heron. It has also a dvd-rw which I used to burn some dvd's with.
Oh, my dearest laptop...I'm so sorry for threatening you bad. I remembered that I rarely wipe you or just clean you up. I just has too many things to do....
But why? Why do you leave me when I need you to do my final project? I really really need you now, at all condition. Now, I don't know how I can find any laptop like you, while I don't have any money right now, while I get a new strengthness to do my final project well, while I need files stored in your harddisk. How fool I am...
Please start up again...help me to do my final project...
Or just go and rest in peace...
Ditulis oleh Wijoyo Simanjuntak pukul 15:58 4 orang memberi komentar
Label: TA