[LIVE BLOGGING] A lovely sunday crowded at Gasibu

23 November 2008

local band group performance at Speedy Tour d'Indonesia 08 event

Hello guys, I'm coming back with a new stories of "Speedy - Speed That You Can Trust" event at Gasibu. Wow..it's a really really crowded event that I've ever seen. Hehehe...it's a live blogging, coz the organizer allow me to access the internet and also the laptop.

Well, as I see here, there are so many booths available to be visited, such as speedy booth, flexy booth and other Telkom company booths. There are some local band groups that also present some newest songs, and I get a lot of fun here. Of all visitors came, I see one that I know deeply...she is Mba Anis, who is also a member of Batagor. She must be in charge, that's why she walks around and watches all parts of this event...I think :)

Guys, there are an unique advantage that you can get also. Whether you have a flexy number/phone, you can come to a booth, fill the form with your name and your flexy number, then your photographs will be taken and be made to be a 12-parts stamps...Hohoho, It's free. Hmm, but I don't think so that the stamps could be used to send a letter, hahaha you wish.

a line of onthel parked in front of Gedung Sate

Besides all of that, I see Onthel -old fashioned bicycle- community and low rider bicycle community too, of course with their unique bicycle. Do they use their bicycle to work is still being a big question in my mind. But anyway, I raise my both thumbs up for their activities keeping our environtment green and helping our government's commitment to decrease the global warming effects.

the new Speedy prepaid promotion

I've almost forgotten that Speedy has a new product, SPEEDY PREPAID. You can get this stuff for Rp. 55.000 only, and you'll get so many advantages from it. It is really really fast, I know it because I've ever Speedy at my boarding house, and I beleive that this new product can give you the same quality like the old one.

Hahaha...I think it is enough for now, and I would like to walk around again. Bye - bye

5 orang memberi komentar:

Roberto said...

gile joyo, skrg ngeblognya pake bahasa inggris. ngeri kali lah. :D

Anonymous said...

ah Joyo... janjian sepeda-an sama aku aja belom ya! tiap laiat Joyo, aku selalu pengen sepedaan *lho*

kita ketemuan nanti pas kopdar batagor akhir bulan yaaa!

Wijoyo Simanjuntak said...

masih belajar kk...masih banyak salah tata bahasa pun sepertinya...beda lah sama kk berto

hohoho...bawa sepeda juga yah kak, ntar habis bebersih, kita jalan2 naik sepeda deh...
dah pernah coba punclut naik sepeda blum kak?

Anonymous said...

wah.. ga katam baca.. :D bahasa inngris euy.. :P

btw pakabar joyyy..

Wijoyo Simanjuntak said...

halo mba...dah lama ga ketemuan euy...

hehehe, ganti personality kali ini, jadinya pengen nulis dalam bahasa inggris...btw, ga ngerti yah? hmm, jangan-jangan karena tatabahasanya amburadul jadi ga ngerti???

tgl 30 ini kita kopdar lho, kali ini di taman ganesha, depannya ITB. Dateng kan mba?