A little funny story from Shelly

04 July 2008

July 3rd, it's my second day having lunch together with Shelly. Her office is located near by my campuss, about 10 minutes walking. We made an apointment to meet at a garden around the central library and then go to a food court area at Gelap Nyawang St. I'm obviously happy seeing her again.

It was just a momment to get that place and we chose "Black Romantic Cafe" --one of my favourite cafe close to ITB-- The servant came and brought a list of uniquely-named fantastic menu. We order "Ayam Rica-rica" (Makassar traditional food, be made of hot fried chicken with some chilly sauce and many different spices), "Nasi goreng sosis" (Indonesian fried rice with some slices of sausage and a fried egg as the topping), "Es biji ma'ron" (passion fruit punch with some basil seeds and nata d'coco) and last but not least "Banana split" (three different sensations ice cream with banana and chocolate)

We started to talk about her job and her daily activities and more other general topics until she told me about her one and only younger brother. This part will be written in Bahasa Indonesia to get the straight main idea.

Suatu hari adik shelly pulang dengan beberapa luka setelah bermain layangan. Ayahnya melihatnya dan menjadi marah, katanya "Apa yang kamu lakukan" sambil melihat lukanya. Lalu kembali marah, "Kalau begini terus, kamu mau jadi apa?".
Dengan polos sambil menangis terisak-isak adiknya menjawab, "Jadi dokter"
Lalu ayahnya menyuruh anaknya pergi mandi, sedangkan dia sendiri ke dapur dan tertawa.

As we know, it was a retorical question with no need to be answered. Lot of laugh,...yeah, he was a little frightened boy, may be at his age, he still don't know what his father meant.

Get the funny?

I hope so...

4 orang memberi komentar:

Anonymous said...

Kids, they always think simple hehehe

Anonymous said...

Ah ya, kepolosan anak-anak memang sering membuat bibir orang dewasa tersungging senyum.

Terkadang pula saya ngerasa pengen terus jadi anak-anak saja, sebab jadi dewasa itu...

Erm,... gimana ya? :lol:

Anonymous said...

cie cieeee....

ada yang lunch bareng nihhhh...

suit suit...

Wijoyo Simanjuntak said...

yupz, you're right

saya juga pengen balik menjadi anak2, namun yang berpikiran dewasa...gmn yah?

@Supir Bemo:
ngiri yah? hehehe