with whom you will get married? describe her....

30 July 2009

hmm...actually I don't know with whom I will get married right now, coz I'm not the GOD...

but for me, Now I do love a girl who has been aparted with me for 4 years...wow such a long time

telling you a little about her, I've first met her when I was 3rd year in high school, while she was 1st year in high school...we were not in the same, I was in SMAN 1 and she was in SMAN 5...but, God made us met by joining the same choir...the youth choir in our church...

she is very beautiful, and at that time, we were the youngest teens who joined in. there are a lot of seniors who did approachment to her, and some of them told their feelings to her...well, I didn't have any braveness to do the same thing, because I realized that I don't have any strengthness against them...

sometime, I came to her home, just to say hello and talk bla bla bla...sometime I came to her home, brought some few years SPMB questions and taught her a little...sometime I came to her home in an early morning, just to wake her up and ask her to jog with me...BUT, I'VE NEVER TOLD HER MY FEELING

until the day I had to go to Bandung (coz I decided to choose ITB as my next study place), I came to her home, met her, and told her, "xxx, now I've to go to Bandung, would you wait for me until I go back to Medan?"...and you know what? I was too shy to hear her answer, and left her without answering anything...

day after day, time past away...I do my daily activities as a college student...sometime I remember her and send her some spiritful message, sometime I call her for a while...but I don't give any certainty...

well actually for your information, both of our parents has known each other, even my mother always praise her when we have a talk in phone...my mom always told me, "why don't you make an approchment to her? she is beauty, she is smart, she is good at dance, she actives at christianity activities, and bla bla bla", but I always answer her, "mom, I'm not a good enough person to her..., but beleive me, when the time comes, she will be my bride"...................WOW, UNBELEIVABLE THAT I COULD TELL THAT.......

dear fellas, about two months ago, after such a long time, unexpectedly she send me a message that recall me about my promise, "Bang Joyo, do you still remember that you've told me to wait for you? Do I need to wait for you again?". Hmm....I thought twice, what should I told her...and I decided not to reply her message but to call her and talk directly. I told her..."please wait for me, I'll finish my undergraduate study as soon as possible. We used to seem like a boy and his little sister, but later I would like to be one who closer to you than ever..."

do you get the point? i hope so...well, eventhough we have been aparted for more than four years, but we still remember what that us promised before...

and now, I always wait for coming home again...yeah...20 December 2008, I'll go back to medan, meet her, and tell her my feelings...


sweetie, please wait for me again

Tulisan ini saya tulis pada 9 Dec 2008, 08:40 PM di rileks.comlabs.itb.ac.id
Intinya tetap di kalimat pertama "hmm...actually I don't know with whom I will get married right now, coz I'm not the GOD..."

Temani aku, terangi aku

29 July 2009

temani aku di kesendirianku
terangi aku di kegelapanku
hingga tiba matahari pagi ataupun kekekalan itu


Ketika Matahari Hitam

28 July 2009

Pernahkah anda melihat matahari hitam (boleh anda artikan juga sebagai gerhana matahari)? Apa yang anda rasakan? Mungkin sebagian terkesan, ada juga yang cemas, namun tetap ada yang sangat menunggu-nunggu terjadinya hal ini. Jujur saya sendiri merasa sedikit takut, bukan hanya takut merusak mata, tapi juga takut akan terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak dapat dijelaskan oleh ilmu pasti. Walaupun begitu sebagai seorang pecinta kejadian-kejadian astronomi, saya juga menanti-nanti terjadinya hal ini.

Berapa menit? Paling 3 sampai 6 menit...memang prosesi awalnya bisa memakan waktu berjam-jam dan melalui banyak tempat dan juga dilihat oleh banyak orang. Let's say 5 minutes, tetap saja menjadi 5 menit yang mendebarkan.

Cut the solar eclipse story! Sebenarnya yang mau saya ceritain adalah tentang ketika anda sementara waktu kehilangan cahaya (mungkin cahaya yang paling penting dalam hidup anda). Apa yang anda lakukan selagi menunggu cahaya itu kembali bersinar? Berdiri tegak penuh pengharapan, bersembunyi di dalam ruangan terang, atau menyesali diri sendiri...hahaha, ketiganya pernah kulakukan saat sinar itu berubah menjadi hitam. Ketiganya telah dicoba dengan rentang waktu yang sama, namun tidak memberikan kepuasan. Kepuasan itu datang hanya ketika matahari yang sama bersinar lagi, setidaknya sampai saat ini saya masih berpikir seperti ini.

Lalu bagaimana seandainya matahari itu tidak bersinar lagi? Akankah ada matahari lain yang menggantikannya...

oh, demi Alfa-centaur dan Betelguese...seandainya matahari itu bersinar terang lagi, apakah aku harus memaafkannya?
oh, demi Lyra dan Bellatrix...seandainya matahari itu menjadi bintang mati, apakah aku harus melemparkannya ke galaksi tak berpenghuni?
oh, demi Vega dan Auriga...apakah aku harus mencari matahari yang lain?

Hmm, sepertinya 5 menit ini berlangsung sangat lama. Kutunggu dirimu, matahariku, cahaya hatiku dan bunga mawarku.

Keep you forever

01 July 2009

I made a list of my dearest person and I wrote them in pencil,
I included your name but wrote it in permanent ink
because I decided to keep you on my list forever!