Apa yang dilakukan setelah keluar dari penjara gajah?

29 February 2008

Sebagian orang pasti bertanya, apa yang harus dilakukan setelah wisuda. Mereka bertanya demikian karena belum memiliki kepastian/arah hidup, juga telah memilikinya namun masih ragu apakah rencananya benar atau tidak.

Pada dasarnya, hampir semuanya memiliki persamaan, terutama dalam "apa yang melandasi mereka memilih langkah berikutnya". Ada yang berpikir loncatan karir, keuangan yang kurang memadai, prestise, pengalaman kerja, perusahaan keluarga, tawaran menggiurkan dari teman, dan lain-lain. Lalu apa yang menjadi landasan anda dalam memilih langkah setelah wisuda?

Berikut adalah sebagian pilihan (yang banyak dipilih lulusan universitas) setelah kuliah:
  1. Bekerja di perusahaan yang sudah well-known
  2. Kuliah S-2 di dalam atau luar negeri
  3. Bergabung dengan teman-teman dan mendirikan perusahaan baru
  4. Melanjutkan usaha keluarga
  5. Dilamar (sebagian wanita melakukannya)
  6. Beralih profesi (kebanyakan ke kegiatan kerohanian)
  7. Memilih tidak bekerja (mungkin dia memiliki kesempatan untuk menikmati hidup tanpa harus berusaha lagi???)
  8. Bekerja mandiri (bagi orang-orang dengan pekerjaan profesional seperti dokter, dokter gigi, akuntan tunggal publik, konsultan tunggal, pemilik keahlian yang khusus, dan lain-lain)

Apa yang akan menjadi pilihan saya?
Saya rasa, pilihan kedua cukup menarik. Bisa kuliah di luar negeri dan menemukan hal-hal yang baru adalah tantangan yang ingin kucapai. Bukan karena universitas luar negeri lebih baik/lebih bergengsi dari universitas yang ada di indonesia, tapi kuliah di luar negeri bisa membuka wawasan baru yang nantinya sangat diperlukan ketika bekerja/berusaha.

Mari kita lihat, seperti apa seorang "Joyo" dalam 5 tahun ke depan....
Hehehe, jadi penasaran niy

That's why i'll never forget you

28 February 2008

Pernahkah anda menonton serial drama Jepang, berjudul "Strawberry on Top Shortcake "? Di setiap episodenya, selalu terdapat waktu hening dimana aktor utama prianya mengatakan beberapa kalimat (tentunya dalam bahasa Jepang), kalimat-kalimat yang menyatakan perasaannya di episode tersebut. Tapi, selalu ada kata:

"That's why i'll never forget you"

Itu adalah suatu pernyataan yang sangat complicated dimana seorang manusia yang umumnya berubah beradaptasi terhadap segala sesuatu yang terjadi dalam kehidupan.

Berikut kalimat-kalimat yang diucapkan aktor utama pria dalam film tersebut:

It's not too much to say,that the person was me that changed for you.That's why,I'll never forget you and when i was madly in love with my beloved that had gone.

When did i start thinking of you that way?Even now i don't really know, it doesn't matter either.Only that i'll never ever forget you.Even if i forget the number of times.I've tried to erase you from my heart.

I,from that moment on might have felt jealousy that no one could see.That's why i'll never forget u.That heart wrenching love that wasn't given to me by u.

At that moment for the first time since i met u,a feeling of calm flowed inside me.That's why i'll never forget u.Then all at once resignation hit me together with the shreds of loneliness.

If i had told u then that u were the one i loved,would our story have been different?That's why i'll never forget u.If i had said i was in love with u.

On the contrary,at that moment i was desperately trying to hide the smile threatening to appear on my face.That's why i'll never forget u.Suddenly without warning, my turn had finally arrived.

Now is still not the time.At that moment i keep telling myself that, believing that the time will come someday.That's why i'll never forget u.

At that moment,i wanted to appear in front of u and gently hold u in my arms.But for some reason as if i was frozen.I couldn't move a single step.Having taken off the filter,i regained my true self.But still,the same as before, i was a wretched person.That's why i'll never forget u.Even if you've simply forgotten about me.

At that moment no matter how foolish it seemed,i clung on to those words,"passion that rises easily,cools easily".That's why i'll never forget u.To break that spell as quickly as possible,for that i was willing to do anything.

Dan kalimat berikut adalah kalimat seseorang yang menyadari kepalsuan yang ada dalam dirinya.
At that moment, i realize that I'm a fake. I don't really Exist. I am what they want me to be. I am what they need to be. "Me" there will never be. That's why i will never forget u who ever unfake me at all.
"Seseorang" itu adalah aku

The Bien-Hua of Medan City

There are no better words in the world that can fully describing my hometown, in one phrase than the phrase bien-hua. Bien-hua is a chinese phrase, literally means as “changing”, but not just an ordinary one—it is a vibrant, lively, positive, and exciting changing. The Medan City, for the whole of its history, has experienced this bien hua. Today it is still changing and I believe it will remain to be so in the future. This so lively changing has made Medan becoming an unique city that probably the one and only in the world. Below, I will show you the bien-hua of the Medan City and its implication to the life of its people.

The history of Medan itself is fully resemble the bien hua progress. Medan appeared from the mist of myth around 16th to 17th centuries, when two powers in northern Sumatra—Aceh and Aru—went to war ("Medan" is a Malay word for "battle field", the place where the fight between two contesting powers took place). The battle was finally won by the famous Sultan Iskandar Muda of Aceh in a decisive showdown at Tanah Deli in 1612. To celebrate this victory, the Sultan established the Deli Sultanate Kingdom and appointed his warlord of the battle, Gocah Pahlawan, as the first king. This Deli Sultanate is the seed of the present Medan. As you can see, Medan has entered the civilization by evolving from a deserted area into a kingdom. From the 1632 up to 1888, along with the growth of international trading, the Deli Kingdom had experienced magnificent growth in both population and culture of Medan. In the 1861, while the Labuhan Deli, the port town of the Deli Sultanate, had become the biggest and the busiest port on the Malacca strait, many Fujianese, Hokkianese, Tamils, Arabic, British, Dutch, and Karo Bataknese of the outland areas began to settle in Medan and mixed with the Malayan native inhabitants. For the first time ever, Medan enjoyed the multiethnic and multicultural environment. At this era, the Medan City is associated with "Medina", the Islamic city in Arabia where a peaceful and prosperous civil-society once was achieved under the reign of Prophet Muhammad. In 1865, when the Dutch colonialists began clearing the land for tobacco plantations, Medan quickly became a center of colonialist government and commercial activity, dominating development of Indonesia's western region.

Today, Medan is a 500-years-old city that marked by rapid growth and development over the last 50 years; however, unlike any other cities, its old style architecture is not dying (because it is bien hua—the positive changing). From the perspective of architecture, the City reflects the combination of, traditional and modern, cultural and cosmopolitan architecture. While the upper-part of town has rapidly transformed into the modern sky crappers and modern metropolis; some parts of the city still retain their Dutch classic architecture—these include the old City Hall, the central Post Office, the Water Tower (which is Medan City's icon), and Titi Gantung (a bridge over the railway). The other parts which preserving the old historical Malayan architecture are like the Sultan Mai’mun Palace and the Great Mosque of Medan; the exotic Hindustan Tamil architecture in Kampung Keling; the oriental Chinese architecture in the Chinatown. The modernity in one hand, and the past on the other, combined with more and more parks and green open spaces that are recently built in Medan, making the city become the most beautiful Twinn Stadd (Garden City) with unique mixed architectural style in Indonesia.

However, the most wonderful changing process that becoming the charm of the Medan City is not on the architectural but on its people. As stated before, the city is a multiethnic and multicultural one. Since Bataknese (Mandailing, Toba, and Karo) make up the majority, Medan become famous throughout Indonesia as the home of the Batak people. Other large ethnic groups are the Malayan (traditionally inhabiting the Eastern coast of Sumatra), the Minang (from central Western Sumatra), and Javanese transmigrants, largely made of the descendants of people shipped from Java as part of the government's transmigration policy. A highly visible component of Medan's population is the large number of Chinese, who control much of the business sector. Finally, the city has a sizeable community of Tamil descent, the people known as keling. A well-known Tamil market, is the Kampung Keling. While Medan transmigrants usually do identify their ethnic background, I have always found that their identity is much more Medanese than their real ethnic. The people of Medan are more outgoing and less self-restricted than those in other parts of Indonesia. For example, Medanese expresses theirself in all aspects of public daily life, but is most evident in communication, which trully expresses outgoing character of the Medanese. In short, Medanese has their own character. This makes a particular brand of freedom, as well as of chaos, which you must live here for a while to capture this atmosphere.

Part of me myself

Prefered Language:

  • Bahasa Indonesia, active both oral and written
  • English, active both oral and written
  • Zhongwen (Mandarin), passive both oral and written
  • Han Geul (Korean), passive written
  • Regional Language: Batak Toba
  • Research in implementing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in a large scale corporation
  • Research in Stock, Bond and their derivatives compared with macro economics in Indonesia
  • Research in Information System Planning, Developing, Auditing, Controlling and Optimizing
  • Research in optimizing data/information flow securit
  • Travelling and Visiting historical places
  • Reading economics, politics and ICT news

Sesuatu yang tidak terawat

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tidak ada sebuah komentar pun
bahkan tidak untuk foto

Banyak kesan negatif yang ada ketika melihat blog ini. Saya sendiri mengakui telah mengabaikannya. Untuk itu saya telah berkomitmen

Hari ini, 28 Febuari 2008, wijooyoo.blogspot.com telah ditakeover dari id mail yahoo saya yang lama, ke id mail google saya. Dan saja akan merawat blog ini seterusnya...

Hahaha, membangkitkan blog mati memang mudah....namun apakah semudah memberi makannya setiap hari?